Infant Feeding Classes
Research as consistently shown that breastfeeding success rates are significantly higher among women that attended breastfeeding classes.
If you wish to breastfeed I can help you to be prepared by providing you solid and practical information. During a 2h group session I will be using different resources to educate you and empower you to have a positive and rewarding breastfeeding journey.
Other topics to be covered include:
- Feeding in the early days
- Antenatal Colostrum harvesting
- How milk supply works
- How to latch the baby
- How to tell if the baby is getting enough
- What to eat (and drink) when breastfeeding
- How to avoid problems and deal with them
- Expressing and storing breast milk
- Feeding in public
- There will be time at the end on the session for any questions that participants would like to ask.
An informational package will be provided so you can recall all the information at a later stage. I will also be available for any queries by phone or email. Venues and dates can change so contact directly if interested.

Individual Breastfeeding Class
If you prefer a 1 to 1 class this can be arranged at Super Mummy’s studio, in your own home or by Zoom. This class is suitable for parents that have specific concerns around feeding or that had a previous traumatic experience. All of the above mentioned topics will be covered in an individualized manner, making sure all your queries are answered. An informational package will be provided so you can recall all the information at a later stage. Cost includes follow up by email or text up to the birth of the baby.